Adventure Log - 04.10.2022 - 04.12.2022
Greenbrier State Park
3 day - 2 night camping adventue.
Spring break is the perfect time to head out to the woods for a camping adventure. We took 5 students from our after school club to Greenbrier State Park in Boonsboro, MD for 3 days and 2 nights. We had (mostly) great weather, food cooked over the fire, hiking, geocaching, ultimate frisbee and more.
At the end of each day, we took time to still ourselves and reflect on the day and the present moment. We used breathing exercises to center ourselves, and guided reflection journals. This allowed our students to practice silence, express themselves creatively, and to think intentionally about the benefits of the great outdoors.
On our second night, we reflected on the word “peace”. Spending time in nature gives me profound feelings of peace, so I asked the students what the word brings to mind for them. Then we shared our observations and discussed what peace might look like in relationship to our families, our friends, our neighborhoods and ourselves. Our conversation produces a whole host of answers ranging from space to be oneself, absence of gun violence, sharing moments of relaxing fun with loved ones, and having peace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Then we challenged the students to seek ways to put into practice the things that bring them peace. In other words, how can we be instruments of peace for those around us?